1- Water is as necessary natural resource

2- Humans need access to clean, safe drinking water in order to live

3- Poor water quality is a major cause of disease and death in some countries

4- Water usually needs to be treated before we can drink it

5- Developing countries often lack the means to treat and supply water to citizens

6- Developed countries tend to have much better sanitation

7- Citizens have access to clean tap water

8- Drinking water is not contaminated by sewage or waste water

9- The supply of clean water would improve public health in many developing countries

10- Huge amount of water are needed for agriculture and industry

11- The irrigation of crops accounts for a large proportions of water use


1- Urban life would be impossible without water supply systems

2- These systems are massive engineering projects

3- Many professionals are involved in their planning, construction and maintenance

4- The supply and distribution of water are major concerns

5- Water is becoming scarce in some countries

6- Areas that suffer droughts often need to import water

7- As population grow, there is more pressure on water supplies => This could lead to a water crisis


1- Some people believe that water should be free for everyone. However, if water is free, people will take it for granted and they do not think about how much water they waste. They leave taps running while washing or brushing their teeth. Therefore, if we have to pay for water, we will use it more responsibly.

2- Water supply systems are extremely expensive => Investment is need to maintain and improve them.

3- People should consume less bottled water as plastic water bottles add to litter and waster problems.

4- Companies should not be able to make a profit from water. It is unethical to make money by selling packaged water.


♫ a fish out of water: không thoải mái trong một tình huống nào đó

♫ as a duck takes to water: một cách dễ dàng và tự nhiên

♫ water under the bridge: khó khăn mà ai đó gặp trong quá khứ mà họ không muốn lo lắng vì chúng đã xảy ra rất lâu rồi và không thể thay đổi.

Ví dụ: We almost split up when we were first going out because he said his career was more important than settling down with me but that's water under the bridge now. We've been happily married for almost 25 years now!

Chúng tôi gần như đã chia tay khi hẹn hò lần đầu tiên vì anh ta nói sự nghiệp quan trọng hơn là lập gia đình với tôi nhưng bây giờ nó quá quen rồi. Chúng tôi đã sống hạnh phục với nhau gần được 25 năm rồi!

♫ blood is thicker than water: một giọt máu đào hơn ao nước lã

Ví dụ: I know she's your best friend right now but just remember that blood is thicker than water. Don't expect her to stand by you when you have real problems. You'll come running back to your mother then, won't you?

Cô biết cô ấy là bạn thân của cháu nhưng nhớ rằng máu thì đặc hơn nước. Đừng hy vọng cô ta hỗ trợ cháu khi cháu gặp khó khăn. Cháu sẽ về với mẹ cháu phải không?

♫ spend money like water: tiêu tiền như nước

♫ You never miss the water till the well runs dry: Chỉ cho đến khi con người đánh mất những gì họ có thì họ mới cảm thấy biết ơn về nó.

♫ waterproof = chống thấm

Ví dụ: You can't go out in just that light jacket. It isn't waterproof at all. You'll get soaked!

Con không thể đi ra ngoài với chiếc áo vét mỏng như thế. Nó không phải là vải không thấm nước đâu. Con sẽ bị ướt mất đấy.

♫ Running water (nước mà từ vòi nước hoặc được cung cấp đến nhà qua ống nước.)

Ví dụ: Since the storm, we haven't had any running water. We've had to buy bottled water for cooking.

Từ khi cơn bão, chúng tôi không có nước sạch. Chúng tôi phải mua nước trong bình để nấu ăn.

♫ Waterfall: thác nước

Ví dụ: We had a lovely holiday in Canada. One of the best days was when we went to see Niagara Falls. The waterfalls are incredibly loud but they look so impressive.

Chúng tôi có một kỳ nghỉ hè tuyệt vời tại Canada. Một trong những ngày tuyệt vời là khi chúng tôi đến xem thác nước Niagara. Thác nước này thật sự rất ồn ào nhưng chúng nhìn rất ấn tượng.

♫ Water pistol: súng bắn nước

Ví dụ: When we were young we loved filling our water pistols on a hot summer's day and soaking each other with them.

Khi chúng tôi còn nhỏ chúng tôi thích đổ nước vào cây súng nước vào những ngày hè nóng nực và xịt vào người khác.

♫ Water polo: trò chơi bóng nước

Ví dụ: Do you know you have to swim almost all the time during a water polo game and you can't touch the sides or bottom of the pool?

Bạn có biết bạn phải bơi gần như trong suốt thời gian của trận thi đấu bóng nước và bạn không thể chạm bờ tường hoặc đáy hồ không?


You should spend 40 minutes on this task.

A serious problem affecting people right across the globe is lack of water for drinking, washing and other household purpose.

Why do many countries face water shortage, and what could be done to solve the issue?


Water, in present times, has come up as a great issue, with most of the countries across world facing shortage of water. Although in present times, most people do have water, the day when one will have to fight for water are not far.

One of the major reason for the water shortage is, people often tend to waste water. For instance, it is a common sight to see people leaving the tap open while brushing teeth or cleaning face. Even more, some people tend to wash their clothes in river water leaving the water dirty and of little use in later. To solve this problem, the government could bring more awareness among people regarding the importance of water. Even more, the people in their daily routine, must take steps to save water.

Another reason for the scarcity of water is the unequal distribution of water. It has been seen that, the water supply to the minister and other celebrities is more regulated than to the common person. As a result, the poor is often left with no water or very little water for day to day use. The problem could be addressed by supplying more water to the poor, equalizing the amount of water among all.

To sum up, although it is clear the world is facing an acute problem, it is undoubtedly possible to start to tackle these issues, and improve the quality of life. Governments and local councils must take the lead in dealing with the issue, otherwise life will only get worse in the future.

Chúc mem ngày càng học tốt qua các bài học của BEC mỗi ngày nhé <3


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