Từ LINE có nghĩa là đường kẻ, trong cụm DRAW A LINE thì sẽ mang là vạch ra giới hạn, tuy nhiên trong cụm A FINE LINE (thì lại mang nghĩa là 1 sự khác nhau rất lớn)…. Tiếng Anh thực sự là thú vị, càng học càng thấy biết bao nhiêu cụm mà chúng mình không thể nào dịch nghĩa đen ra được mà phải hiểu theo nghĩa bóng
1. Drop sb a line = to write someone a letter, especially a short informal one: viết thư, viết email cho ai đó
Example: Just drop me a line when you decide on a date.

2. Read between the lines = to try to understand someone's real feelings or intentions from what they say or write: hiểu rõ những ẩn ý bên trong những gì mình đọc hay nghe thấy.
Example: Reading between the lines, I'd say he isn't happy with the situation.

3. Bottom line (n) /ˌbɒt.əm ˈlaɪn/: the final line in the accounts of a company or organization, stating the total profit or loss that has been made: kết quả kinh doanh sau thuế…
Example: How will the rise in interest rates affect our bottom line?

4. There is a fine/thin line between one thing and another = có 1 sự khác nhau rất rõ ràng…
Example: There is a line between determination and pig-headness.
5. Draw the line = to never do something because you think it is wrong: vạch ra giới hạn..
Example: I swear a lot, but even I draw the line at saying certain words.

6. Be in line to the throne = to be the person who will become king or queen after the present ruler: người kế nhiệm
Example: Prince Charles is first in line to the British throne.

7. Out of line = beyond what is considered acceptable behavior: không phù hợp với quy chuẩn…
Example: You can disagree with her, but calling her dishonest was out of line.
8. Along the lines of sth = along those lines = similar in type: tương tự…
Example: I was thinking of doing a meal along the lines of that dinner I did for Annie and Dave.
9. Step out of line = to behave in a way that is unacceptable or not expected: hông tuân theo những gì được xem là tiêu chuẩn
Example: If he steps out of line, he could be fired.
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