COMMON HOMOPHONES là những từ phát âm giống nhau nhưng khác nhau về cách viết và nghĩa. Trong giao tiếp hàng ngày, homophones được sử dụng như 1 cách để chơi chữ trong các lĩnh vực như văn học, điện ảnh …..

Tuy nhiên, trong IELTS LISTENING, homophones là 1 cái bẫy cực nguy hiểm, đánh lạc hướng thí sinh, khiến cho chúng ta hiểu sai nghĩa câu và bị chọn sai đáp án luôn. Vậy nên việc nắm được các COMMON HOMOPHONES là cực kỳ quan trọng 


  • Aisle (n) /aɪl/ = a long, narrow space between rows of seats in an aircraft, cinema, or church: lối đi

Example: Would you like an aisle seat or would you prefer to be by the window?

  • Isle (n) /aɪl/ = (used especially in place names) an island: hòn đảo

Example: Explore the more remote Caribbean isles.


  • Bare (a) /beər/ = without any clothes or not covered by anything: không có gì cả…

Example: Don’t walk around outside in your bare feet.

  • Bear (v) /beər/ = to accept, tolerate, or endure something, especially something unpleasant: chịu đựng

Example: The strain must have been enormous but she bore it well.


  • Break (v) /breɪk/ = to (cause something to) separate suddenly or violently into two or more pieces, or to (cause something to) stop working by being damaged: vỡ

Example: The dish fell to the floor and broke.

  • Brake (n) /breɪk/ = a device that makes a vehicle go slower or stop, or a pedal, bar, or handle that makes this device work: cái phanh

Example: She had no brakes on her bicycle.


  • Cell (n) /sel/ = the smallest basic unit of a plant or animal: tế bào

Example: The baby is still just a small bundle of cells.

  • Sell (v) /sel/ = to give something to someone else in return for money: bán

Example: I sold him my car/I sold my car to him for $600.


  • Cent (n) /sent/ = a unit of money worth 0.01 of a dollar, or a coin with this value

Example: A call will cost you around 25 cents.

  • Scent (n) /sent/ = a pleasant natural smell: mùi hương thơm

Example: the scent of roses


  • Forward (adv) /ˈfɔː.wəd/ = towards the direction that is in front of you: tiến đến

Example: She leaned forward to whisper something in my ear.

  • Foreword (n) /ˈfɔː.wɜːd/ = a short piece of writing at the beginning of a book, sometimes praise by a famous person or someone who is not the writer : lời tựa


  • Flour (n) /flaʊər/ = powder made from grain, especially wheat, used for making bread, cakes, pasta, pastry, etc.: bột mỳ
  • Flower (n) /flaʊər/ = the part of a plant that is often brightly coloured and has a pleasant smell, or the type of plant that produces these: hoa

Example: a bunch/bouquet of flowers


  • Grown (a) /ɡrəʊn/ = an adult: trưởng thành

Example: I don't like to see a grown man in tears.

  • Groan (n) /ɡrəʊn/ = a deep, long sound showing great pain or unhappiness: tiếng rên rỉ

Example: We could hear the groans of the wounded soldiers.


  • Hair (n) /heər/ = the mass of thin thread-like structures on the head of a person, or any of these structures that grow out of the skin of a person or animal: tóc

Example: I’m going to have/get my hair cut.

  • Heir (n) /eər/ = a person who will legally receive money, property, or a title from another person, especially an older member of the same family, when that other person dies: người thừa kế

Example: Despite having a large family, they still had no son and heir.


  • Night (n) /naɪt/ = the part of every 24-hour period when it is dark because there is very little light from the sun: ban đêm

Example: I slept really badly last night.

  • Knight (n) /naɪt/ = a man given a rank of honour by a British king or queen because of his special achievements, and who has the right to be called "Sir": hiệp sĩ

Example : He hopes to be made a knight for his work at the Bank of England.


 11. PAIR / PEAR

  • Pair (n) /peər/ = two things of the same appearance and size that are intended to be used together, or something that consists of two parts joined together: đôi

Example: a pair of shoes/gloves/ scissors/glasses

  • Pear (n) /peər/ = a sweet fruit, usually with a green skin and a lot of juice, that has a round base and is slightly pointed towards the stem: quả lê

 12. POLE / POLL

  • Pole (n) /pəʊl/ = a long, thin stick of wood or metal, often used standing straight up in the ground to support things: cột

Example: a telegraph/electricity pole

  • Poll (n) /pəʊl/ = a study in which people are asked for their opinions about a subject or person: cuộc thăm dò

Example: We’re carrying out/conducting a poll to find out what people think about abortion.


  • Poor (a) /pɔːr/ = having little money and/or few possessions: nghèo

Example: Most of the world's poorest countries are in Africa.

  • Pour (v) /pɔːr/ = to make a substance flow from a container, especially into another container, by raising just one side of the container that the substance is in: đổ

Example: I spilled the juice while I was pouring it.


  • Roll (v) /rəʊl/ = to (cause something to) move somewhere by turning over and over or from side to side: cuộn tròn…

Example: The dog rolled over onto its back.

  • Role (n) /rəʊl/ = the position or purpose that someone or something has in a situation, organization, society, or relationship: vai trò

Example: Schools play an important role in society.


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