Topic COLOURS đang được hỏi khá nhiều trong quý 1 của năm 2019 mem nhé :x. Đây vẫn là 1 trong những topic có nhiều ý kiến trái chiều, 1 số bạn thì thấy dễ ợt, 1 số bạn lại không biết diễn tả sao cho hay và chưa biết nhiều các trạng thái màu sắc ngoài những từ như Yellow, Pink...... Thực tế, thế giới màu sắc phong phú vô cùng mà Ad đã up nhiều ở các bài vocab trước, hi vong mem còn nhớ chứ ạ . Hãy dùng các cách diễn đạt màu sắc hay ho thú vị hơn như VIVID COLOURS (màu sắc sặc sỡ), FLAMBOYANT (kiểu các tông hoa lá cành, sặc sỡ), hay MY COLOUR OF CHOICE IS (sự lựa chọn màu sắc của tôi là...). Hay cùng là màu vàng hay vì nói Yellow chúng mình có thể dùng MANGO YELLOW nè CHERRY BLOSSOM PINK (kiểu màu hồng hoa anh đào này) cho ngôn ngữ của mình thật phong phú và uyển chuyển mem nhé :x

Với content này, có 1 số câu hỏi và trả lời khá hay và hữu dụng mà Ad tìm được và đã bổ sung thêm trong cuốn Lessons for IELTS (Advanced Speaking) của New Oriental Education & Technology Group IELTS Research Institute cho các mem tham khảo. Cuốn này thực sự hay cho các bạn đang aim band IELTS 6.5 trở lên. Ad sẽ sớm review sách này cho các mem hén . Nào giờ thì học cùng tốt content COLOURS này và quyết lấy điểm cao nhất nha.

What is your favourite colour? = What colours do you like?

Answer 1

Well, natural and bright pastel colours such as mango yellow, baby blue or light pink always spark/capture my imagination. Among those colours, blue is the colour in which I love the mostI love each and every shade of blueIt never fails to bring me a warm soothing feeling. It can be worn on many occasions also!

Answer 2

My favourite colour probably changes on a daily basis. But I’ve always been particularly drawn to autumnal colours like red, yellow and orange. That said, darker colours like black and grey are also appealing to me.  

Answer 3

My favourite colour is black because it’s classic and versatile. A lot of my clothes are black, but I enjoy brown as well. Around the house, I prefer brighter colours but nothing too loud(Source: Lessons for IELTS Advanced speaking book). 

Trong hình ảnh có thể có: văn bản

Why do you like it?

I can’t really explain why. It’s like being asked why you like certain foods more than others. There’s no logical answer, it’s just a matter of personal taste. In some parts of the world, the colour red is an indication of danger, in other places, it associated with love and romance or even good luck. Honestly, I simply like the colour red because I like it. As Mohammed Ali said, “Different strokes for different folks.”

Trong hình ảnh có thể có: 1 người

Was this colour your favorite when you were a child?

No, I think as a child, I preferred brighter colours, like blues and greens. I don’t really remember very well, but I’m pretty sure I didn’t wear much black back then. And at school, we used to paint with lots of vivid colours (Source: Lessons for IELTS Advanced speaking book). 

Is your favourite colour popular with your friends also?

I would say so, yes. You can’t really go wrong with black because pretty much everyone looks good in it. My male friends definitely prefer dark colours, and all my female friends wear a lot of black because they think it makes them look slimmer. (Source: IELTS Advanced speaking book).

Are there any colours you don’t like?

Answer 1

Dark and dull colours are not my kind of thing what so ever, especially black and purple. For some reasons, I don’t know why black always bring me a depressing feeling. I am not confident in black at all. Purple is not an exception as well, it is too strong for me in all honesty.

Answer 2

Like I said before (or = As I mentioned earlier, I don’t really like bright colours. I’m kind of an introverted person, so bright colours give me a headache. I especially don’t like pink and yellow.

Không có mô tả ảnh.

What colour would you choose for your room?

When I’m painting a room, it’s usually my instinct to choose a light but warm colour such as magnolia. Painting a room white makes the place seem cold and clinical, but a very dark colour would create an equally depressing ambience. I think the most suitable colours for rooms are neutral pastel tones that are pleasant but also largely unnoticed.   

Do you like to wear dark or bright colours?

Answer 1

As I mentioned earlier, bright colours are my favourtie outfit of choice daily. I am always full of beans whilst wearing these colours. My favourite colour of choice is a white shirt with a light pink skirt. That combination of colours make me as happy as Larry. And when you are in a happy mood, you will feel much more confident and be far more productive.

Answer 2

I guess I’d say both because my go-to colours are black and white. This is probably because I don’t like to think too much about what to wear every day. If most of your clothes are the same colour, you don’t need to fret over which items will match with each other. On the whole I tend to favour dark colours rather than loud and vivid ones

Trong hình ảnh có thể có: văn bản

What do you think you can learn about people from the colours they like?

I suppose you might learn a little about their personality, such as whether they’re quite expressive or creative, or whether they are introverted or extroverted. But I don’t think you can learn too much about a person just from the colours that they like. (Source: Lessons for IELTS Advanced speaking book). 

What’s the difference between men and women’s preference on colours?

HonestlyI don’t think there’s much of a difference between the colours men like, and those that women prefer. Culturallyit’s assumed that girls like pink while boys are generally associated withblue, but this is broadly a societal preference, not a personal one. Actually, I do have some male friends who indeed love wearing pink and yellow (lol). 

Which colour do most people like in your country? = What’s the most popular colour in Vietnam?

Answer 1

Red is a meaningful colour in my country. It’s a symbol of luck. You can see a lot of it at special occasions, like weddings. As well as this, it’s the colour of the country’s flag and also of course the colour worn by the national football team who are very much so idolised and celebrated here. 

Answer 2

Hmm, I don’t know if there are any colours that are particularly popular. I think it depends on each person’s personality. Some people like bright colours, while others prefer dark ones.

Vocabulary highlights:

  1. Pastel noun/ˈpæs.təl/: having a pale soft colour: tông màu nhẹ nhàng

Example: Their house is decorated in pastel shades.

  1. Magnolia adjective/mæɡˈnəʊ.li.ə/: of a pale cream colour
  2. Capture someone'sattention = capture/spark someone's imagination = to interest someone: khiến ai đó thích thú

Example: Most of the textbooks we looked at were too dull to capture students' attention.

  1. Shade noun /ʃeɪd/: a type or degree of a colour: sắc thái của màu

Example: Their kitchen is painted an unusual shade of yellow/an unusual yellow shade.

  1. Soothing adjective /ˈsuː.ðɪŋ/: making you feel calm: thư giãn

Example: I put on some nice soothing music. 

Example: Her words had a soothing effect.

  1. On a daily basisevery day: hàng ngày

Example: Restaurant just open almost on a daily basis

  1. That said = having said that = despite what has just been said: mặc dù vậy

Example: He forgets most things, but having said that, he always remembers my birthday.

  1. Appeal verb/əˈpiːl/: to interest or attract someone: thu hút ai đó 

Example: It’s a programme designed to appeal mainly to 16 to 25-year-olds.

  1. Versatile adjective/ˈvɜː.sə.taɪl/: able to change easily from one activity to another or able to be used for many different purposes: đa năng, linh hoạt

Example: He’s a very versatile young actor who's as happy in highbrow dramas as he is in TV comedies.

  1. Indication noun/ˌɪn.dɪˈkeɪ.ʃən/: a sign that something exists, is true, or is likely to happen: dấu hiệu 

Example: There are few indications (that) the economy is on an upswing. (Có một vài dấu hiệu cho thấy nền kinh tế đang trên đà phát triển.)

Example: Helen’s face gave no indication of what she was thinking.

  1. Associate with sb phrasal verb /əˈsəʊ.si.eɪt/: to spend time with a group of people, especially people who are disapproved of: liên kết đến….

Example: I don't want my children associating with drug addicts and alcoholics.

  1. “Different strokes for different folks”: mỗi người 1 ý
  2. Vivid adjective/ˈvɪv.ɪd/: very brightly coloured: các màu sáng sặc sỡ

Example: She was wearing a vivid pink shirt.

  1. In all honesty/seriousness/truthfulness = said when expressing your opinion honestly, seriously, or truthfully: thành thật mà nói thì

Example: In all honesty, I do have some criticisms to make.

  1. Honestly adverb/ˈɒn.ɪ in a way that is honest: thành thật mà nói thì

Example: They have always dealt honestly and fairly with their customers.

Example: I can't honestly say what time i'll be home.

  1. Depressing adjective/dɪˈpres.ɪŋ/: making you feel unhappy and without hope for the future: chán nản 

Example: This weather is so depressing.

  1. Introverted adjective /ˈɪn.trə.vɜː.tɪd/: shy, quiet, and preferring to spend time alone rather than often being with other people: hướng nội 

Example: an introverted child

  1. Extrovert adjective /ˈek.strə.vɜːtid/ - an energetic happy person who enjoys being with other people: hướng ngoại 

Example: an extrovert personality

  1. Instinct noun /ˈɪn.stɪŋkt/: the way people or animals naturally react or behave, without having to think or learn about it: bản năng

Example: All his instincts told him to stay near the car and wait for help.

  1. Clinical adjective/ˈklɪn.ɪ.kəl/: expressing no emotion or feelings: không có cảm xúc gì cả…

Example: She seems to have a very clinical attitude towards her children.

  1. Ambience noun =ambiance  /ˈæəns/: the character of a place or the quality it seems to have: bầu không khí

Example: Despite being a busy city, Dublin has the ambience of a country town.

  1. Neutral adjective/ˈnjuː.trəl/: having features or characteristics that are not easily noticed: trung tính

Example: Kelly wants dark red walls, but I'd like a more neutral colour like cream.

  1. Be full of beans = to have a lot of energy and enthusiasm: tràn đầy năng lượng

Example: i’ve never known anyone be so full of beans before breakfast.

  1. Happy as Larry = as happy as Larry = extremely happy
  2. Fret verb /fret/: to be nervous or worried: lo lắng

Example: She spent the day fretting about/over what she'd said to Nicky.. 

  1. Culturally adverb/ˈkʌl.tʃər.əl.i/: relating to the habits, traditions, and beliefs of a society: trên khía cạnh văn hoá mà nói thì….
  2. Societal adjective /səˈsaɪ.ə.təl/: relating to or involving society: thuộc về xã hội

Example: societal change/concerns/problems/values

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