Ngày nay khi mà thông tin tràn ngập trên khắp các trang mạng. liệu bạn đã tìm được nguồn thông tin tin cậy cho bản thân chưa nhỉ. Khi vào đề Information nhiều mem nhà BEC khá lo lắng vì hàng ngàn câu trả lời tràn lan, vậy đâu mới là câu trả lời tin cậy. Tham khảo ngay Sample mẫu cùng BEC ngay dưới đây thôi 

What are the different sources of information?

Well, there’s a multitude of sources available for information. However, which of these sources you access will entirely depend on your demographic. The elderly would definitely update daily news through TV, newspapers or even radio. I myself as a typical example of a millennial would prefer to receive information via ubiquitous social networking sites such as Facebook, Twitter as well as smart phone apps. In fact, my knowledge of foreign affairs has been incredibly enriched by using Daily Mail online, the Guardian or BBC news.

Trong hình ảnh có thể có: văn bản

Do you think there is too much information on the Internet?

Without a doubt/ Absolutely yes! In this day and age, we are constantly overwhelmed by the amount of information we are exposed to on a daily basis. The most problematic thing about this information is that it’s often contradictory and we can’t be really sure about its reliability . The reporting about Meghan Markle who is Prince Harry’s wife exemplify this case well. Every articles has a different opinion about her character and her attitude about the MonarchyAnother confusing subject is Food and Health. I’ve read that eating too many eggs increases/ leads to high cholesterol. Whereas, some articles praises the benefits of consuming eggs daily. 

Trong hình ảnh có thể có: một hoặc nhiều người và văn bản

Is online information reliable?

Well, it’s really hard to say (or: It’s difficult to see the forest through the trees). The challenge is to distinguish quality content from clickbait. As I previously mentioned (or: Like I said before), the news we read everyday makes use more confused than ever before. However, I strongly believe that if you succeed in find a reputable source of information, then you are guaranteed as much credibility as possible. In fact, most people in my country would trust international news from rather than the other smaller independent websites.  

Trong hình ảnh có thể có: văn bản

How can fake news be dealt with?

It’s a really tricky question because navigating the path between censorship or free speech is like being stuck between a rock and a hard place. In Western countries, the freedom of the press results in an abundance of fake newsWhereas, in Vietnam, we are highly manipulated by the government agenda. However, one optimal way to tackle the issue is through education. It’s vital for children to be taught about media and information literacy as part of their education. On a personal level, each of us has the responsibility to choose and research valid/ genuine / dependable sources. 

Trong hình ảnh có thể có: một hoặc nhiều người và văn bản

Is the information on TV news programmes useful?

Yes, very much so. TV news programmes are generally considered as the most helpful platform. Although it’s not the best way to receive minute by minute news, it provides an excellent overview of the happening around the world or even in our country because its extensive media coverage. Recently, the TV news in Vietnam has been reminding citizens to be highly aware of the alarmingly high level of toxic pollution, which I think it’s super useful. People will take care of themselves better as a result. 

Is a library a good source of information?

Definitely yes, especially, if you are doing research in a specialized field such as medicine, marine pollution or even space travel. What I mean by that is those available materials in a library are much more academic and thoroughly written. Although most information is available to us at a click/touch of a button (or: …is available at our fingertips), books are still the preferred method when reading deeply on any subject.

What is the difference between information in books and newspapers?

Well, there are a few fundamental differences in terms of content and readability. Most obviously, newspapers are available on a daily basis and offer us with updated information. Whereas, books provide information from any period. Secondly, books tend to delve into subjects in greater details with more specialized and wider terminologyLast but not least, books are often read for pleasure and enjoymentI’m myself so in love with Jane Austin’s novels and they have given me so much information about the social etiquette and issues of marriage-politics (a marriage of convenience = political marriage) back then in England. 

Vocabulary highlights:

  1. A multitude of /ˈmʌl.tɪ.tʃuːd/ = a large number of people or things: rất nhiều, vô số 

Example: this case has raised a multitude of questions.

  1. Entirely adverb/ɪnˈtaɪə.li/: completely: hoàn toàn

Example: the company is run almost entirely by middle-aged men.

  1. Demographic adjective /ˌdem.əˈɡræf.ɪk/: relating to demography (= the study of populations and the different groups that make them up): nhân khẩu

Example: there have been monumental social and demographic changes in the country. (đã có những thay đổi lớn về mặt xã hội và nhân khẩu học trong nước.)

Example: current demographic trends (xu hướng nhân khẩu học hiện nay)

  1. Millennial noun /mɪˈlen.i.əl/: a person who was born in the 1980s, 1990s, or early 2000s

Example: millennials have grown up with the internet and can't imagine a world without it.

  1. Foreign affairs noun /ˌfɒr.ən əˈfeəz/: matters that are connected with other countries: tin tức thời sự
  2. Enrich verb/ɪnˈrɪtʃ/: to improve the quality of something by adding something else: làm giàu có, phong phú….

Example: fertilizer helps to enrich the soil.

  1. Without (a) doubt= used to emphasize your opinion: không còn nghi ngờ gì nữa

Example: she is without (a) doubt the best student i have ever taught.

  1. In this day and age = at the present time: ngày nay 

Example: you can't afford to run businesses inefficiently in this day and age.

  1. Overwhelm verb/ˌəʊ.vəˈwelm/:  to defeat someone or something by using a lot of force: choáng ngợp, bị ngợp 

Example: government troops have overwhelmed the rebels and seized control of the capital.

  1. Reliability noun /rɪˌlaɪəˈbɪləti/: how accurate or able to be trusted someone or something is considered to be: độ tin cậy 

Example: reliability of information/data 

  1. Exemplify verb /ɪɡˈzem.plɪ.faɪ/: to be or give a typical example of something:

Example: this painting perfectly exemplifies the naturalistic style which was so popular at the time.

  1. Praise verb /preɪz/: to express admiration or approval of the achievements or characteristics of a person or thing: khen ngợi 

Example: he should be praised for his honesty.

  1. Praise noun /preɪz/: things that you say that express your admiration and approval of someone or something: lời khen

Example: they deserve praise for all their hard work.

  1. Not see the forest for the trees =  not see the wood for the trees = to be unable to get a general understanding of a situation because you are too worried about the details: rất khó có thể phân biệt hoặc nhìn thấy được, hoặc hiểu được cái gì đó….
  2. Credibility noun /ˌkred.əˈbɪl.ə.ti/: the fact that someone can be believed or trusted: uy tín 

Example: he complained that we had tried to undermine his credibility within the company. (anh ta phàn nàn rằng chúng tôi đã cố làm giảm uy tín của anh ta trong công ty.)

  1. Be (caught) between a rock and a hard place = to be in a very difficult situation and to have to make a hard decisiontiến thoái lưỡng nan (trong 1 tình huống rất khó có thể đưa ra được quyết định)
  2. Manipulate verb /məˈnɪp.jə.leɪt/: to control something or someone to your advantage, often unfairly or dishonestly: thao túng

Example: throughout her career she has very successfully manipulated the media.

  1. Platform noun/ˈplæt.fɔːm/: an opportunity to make your ideas or beliefs known publicly

Example: by refusing to give us a grant to make this programme, they are denying us a platform.

  1. Minute by minute/hour by hour/day by day, etc.= by the minute/hour/day, etc.= used to say that something increases or changes with every minute, hour, day, etc. That passes: từng phút/ giờ….

Example: the death toll from the hurricane was climbing minute by minute/by the minute.

  1. Coverage noun /ˈkʌv.ər.ɪdʒ/: the reporting of a particular important event or subject: độ bao phủ 

Example: what did you think of the bbc's election coverage?

  1. Alarming adjective/əˈlɑː.mɪŋ/: causing worry or fear: cảnh báo, báo động

Example: alarming news / there has been an alarming rise in the rate of inflation.

  1. At yourfingertips = if you have information at your fingertips, you can get it and use it very easily: cực kì dễ dàng

Example: he has all the latest statistics at his fingertips.

  1. At the touch of a button = if a machine works at the touch of a button, it works extremely quickly and easily: cực kì dễ dàng

Example: customers can buy and sell shares at the touch of a button.

  1. At the push of a button = very easily

Example: you can't expect to get everything you need at the push of a button.

  1. Readability noun /ˌriːd.əˈbɪl.ə.ti/: the quality of being easy and enjoyable to read: sự đáng tin cậy 

Example: articles are edited for clarity and readability.

  1. Delve into sth phrasal verb  /delv/: to examine something carefully in order to discover more information about someone or something: đào sâu vào cái gì đó 

Example: it’s not always a good idea to delve too deeply into someone's past.

  1. Etiquette noun /ˈet.ɪ.ket/: the set of rules or customs that control accepted behaviour in particular social groups or social situations: nghi thức 

Example: social etiquette dictates that men cannot sit while women are standing. (nghi thức xã giao ra lệnh rằng đàn ông không thể ngồi trong khi phụ nữ đang đứng.)

  1. Marriage-politics  = marriageof convenience (plural marriages of convenience) is a marriage contracted for reasons other than that of relationship, family, or love. Instead, such a marriage is orchestrated for personal gain or some other sort of strategic purpose, such as political marriage. (một cuộc hôn nhân được sắp đặt cho mục đích cá nhân hoặc một số mục đích chiến lược khác, chẳng hạn như hôn nhân chính trị, vì tiền chứ không phải vì tình yêu). 
  2. Monarchy noun /ˈmɒn.ə.ki/: a country that has a king or queen

Example: is monarchy relevant in the modern world or should it be abolished? (chế độ quân chủ có liên quan trong thế giới hiện đại hay nó nên được bãi bỏ?)


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