Vấn đề ô nhiễm không khí đang là 1 trong những vấn đề cấp thiết trong những năm gần đây. Nếu bạn chịu khó đọc tin tức cập nhật đặc biệt các từ báo uy tín của Anh như THE GUARDIAN thì sẽ càng nắm được sự ô nhiễm không khí có thể gây hại đến mức nào!
Source: https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2021/sep/01/air-pollution-is-slashing-years-off-the-lives-of-billions-report-finds 
1. Air pollution: ô nhiễm không hí
Example: Air pollution is likely to have been responsible for up to 6 million premature births. 
2. Air quality: chất lượng không khí
Example: Switching to cleaner energy and enforcing air quality measures on existing power plants have cut pollution in many countries.
3. Air pollutants: chất gây ô nhiễm không khí
Example: The analysis is based on small particle pollution, but is likely to include the effects of other air pollutants. 
4. Indoor pollution: Ô nhiễm trong nhà
Example: indoor pollution, mostly from cooking stoves burning solid fuel such as coal or wood, made up almost two-thirds of the total population burden on pregnancies in 2019.
5. Household pollution: Ô nhiễm hộ gia đình
Example: Minimising household pollution exposure should be part of the message during prenatal care.
6. Polluted cities: các thành phố bị ô nhiễm
Example: Bangladesh, China, India and Pakistan are home to 49 of the 50 of the most polluted cities worldwide.
7. Dirty air: không khí bẩn
example: Dirty air is a far greater killer than smoking, car crashes or HIV/Aids, with coal burning the leading cause. 
8. Slash sth off (v) /slæʃ/: to reduce an amount by a lot: giảm đáng kể
Example: Air pollution is slashing years off the lives of billions.
9. Coal burning: sự đốt than
Example: Coal burning is the principal culprit, the researchers said, and India is worst affected, with the average citizen dying six years early.
10. Fossil fuel burning: sự đốt nhiên liệu hoá thạch
Example: Fossil fuel burning is causing air pollution and the climate crisis.
11. Human health: sức khoẻ con người
Example: Air pollution is the greatest external threat to human health on the planet, and that is not widely recognised.

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