Ngoài các tính từ được dùng rất nhiều trong các bài thi nói IELTS, chúng mình cùng IELTS Trangbec cập nhật thêm các động từ cực phổ biến mà đem lại hiệu quả cao trong danh sách bên dưới nhé!
1. Accomplish (v) /əˈkʌm.plɪʃ/ = Achieve = Succeed in something: đạt được
Example: The students accomplished the task in less than ten minutes.
2. Accumulate (v) /əˈkjum·jəˌleɪt/: to collect or increase something gradually, esp. over a period of time: tích luỹ
Example: He accumulated a fortune in the music business.
3. Brainstorm (v) /ˈbreɪn.stɔːm/: (of a group of people) to suggest a lot of ideas for a future activity very quickly before considering some of them more carefully: động não 
Example: The team got together to brainstorm (the project).
4. Devise (v) /dɪˈvaɪz/: to invent a plan, system, object, etc., usually using your intelligence or imagination: sáng chế 
Example: He’s good at devising language games that you can play with students in class.
5. Dispute (v) /dɪˈspjuːt/: to disagree with something that someone says: tranh cãi 
Example: Few would dispute his status as the finest artist of the period.
6. Downsize (v) /ˈdaʊn.saɪz/: to make a company or organization smaller by reducing the number of people working for it, or to become smaller in this way: thu hẹp 
Example: to downsize your workforce/company
7. Embrace (v) /ɪmˈbreɪs/: to accept something enthusiastically: ôm trọn, nắm lấy (thời cơ)
Example: This was an opportunity that he would embrace.
8. Endorse (v) /ɪnˈdɔːs/: to make a public statement of your approval or support for something or someone: tán thành 
Example: I fully endorse (= agree with) everything the Chairperson has said.
9. Fiddle (v) /ˈfɪd.əl/: to act dishonestly in order to get something for yourself, or to change something dishonesty, especially to your advantage: gian lận 
Example: She managed to fiddle a free trip to America.
10. Holiday (v) /ˈhɒl.ə.deɪ/: to take a holiday: đi nghỉ dưỡng 
Example: My parents are holidaying in Spain this year.
11. Implement (v) /ˈɪm.plɪ.ment/: to start using a plan or system: duy trì
Example: The changes to the national health system will be implemented next year.
12. Instigate (v) /ˈɪn.stɪ.ɡeɪt/: to cause an event or situation to happen by making a set of actions or a formal process begin: xúi giục
Example: The government will instigate new measures to combat terrorism.
13. Melt (v) /melt/: to turn from something solid into something soft or liquid, or to cause something to do this:
Example: The snow usually melts by mid March.
14. Moan (v) /məʊn/: to make a long, low sound of pain, suffering, or another strong emotion: rên rỉ, than van 
Example: He moaned with pain before losing consciousness.
15. Negotiate (v) /nəˈɡəʊ.ʃi.eɪt/: to have formal discussions with someone in order to reach an agreement with them: đàm phán
Example: The government has refused to negotiate with the strikers.
16. Outweigh (v) /ˌaʊtˈweɪ/: to be greater or more important than something else: có nhiều ảnh hưởng hơn
Example: The benefits of this treatment far outweigh any risks.
17. Perceive (v) /pəˈsiːv/: to come to an opinion about something, or have a belief about something: hiểu, nhận thức, lĩnh hội
Example: How do the French perceive the British?
18. Plummet (v) /ˈplʌm.ɪt/: to fall very quickly and suddenly: giảm mạnh 
Example: House prices have plummeted in recent months.
19. Prosper (v) /ˈprɒs.pər/: (of a person or a business) to be or become successful, especially financially: phát triển, thịnh vượng
Example: Lots of microchip manufacturing companies prospered at that time.
20. Rectify (v) /ˈrek.tɪ.faɪ/: to correct something or make something right: sửa chữa
Example: I am determined to take whatever action is necessary to rectify the situation.
21. Redeem (v) /rɪˈdiːm/: to make something or someone seem less bad:  bù lại 
Example: A poor game was redeemed in the second half by a superb performance from Anthony Edwards.
22. Retain (v) /rɪˈteɪn/: to keep or continue to have something: giữ lại 
Example: She has lost her battle to retain control of the company.
23. Sacrifice (v) /ˈsæk.rɪ.faɪs/: to give up something that is valuable to you in order to help another person: hi sinh
Example: Many women sacrifice interesting careers for their families.
24. Season (v) /ˈsiː.zən/: to improve the flavour of savoury food by adding salt, herbs, or spices when cooking or preparing it: tẩm ướp
Example: Drain the rice, stir in the salmon and season to taste (= so that it has the taste you like).
25. Withdraw (v) /wɪðˈdrɔː/: to take or move out or back, or to remove: rút ra 
Example: This credit card allows you to withdraw up to £200 a day from ATMs.

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