Bạn thường chọn điện thoại dựa trên tiêu chí gì nhỉ  Multifunctional, fashionable hay portable  Cùng trau dồi một số tính từ mô tả điện thoại ngay nhé


1. HANDHELD /ˌhændˈheld/: có thể cầm dễ dàng bằng một hoặc hai tay 

English definition:  A handheld object has been designed so that it can be held and used easily with one or two hands

Example: a handheld device

Example: The first handheld mobile phone was demonstrated by John F.

2. SLEEK  /sliːk/: trơn mượt, kiểu dáng đẹp

English definition: smooth, shiny

Example: Who owns that sleek black car parked outside your house?

3. ELEGANT /ˈel·ɪ·ɡənt/ : thanh lịch, tao nhã 

English definition: graceful and attractive in appearance or behavior

Example: We met a young businesswoman, elegant in a black suit.
                My phone is sleek and elegant

4. CUTING- EDGE /ˌkʌt.ɪŋˈedʒ/ : công nghệ tối tân nhất 

English definition: C1 very modern and with all the newest features

Example: cutting-edge design/technology

5. MODERN = most recent : hiện đại 

English definition: designed and made using the most recent ideas and methods

Example: modern technology/architecture/medicine/art

6. FASHIONABLE  /ˈfæʃ.ən.ə.bəl/ : thời trang, phổ biến trobg một khoảng thời gian nhất định 

English definition: B1 popular at a particular time

Example: fashionable ideas/clothes

7. MULTIFUNCTIONAL /ˌmʌl.tiˈfʌŋk.ʃən.əl/ : đa phương tiện 

English definition:  having several different uses

Example: a multifunctional cooking appliance

8. EYE- CATCHING /ˈaɪˌkætʃ.ɪŋ/ : bắt mắt 

English definition: very attractive or noticeable

Example: an eye-catching poster

9. VIVID /ˈvɪv.ɪd/: màu sắc rõ ràng, sáng sủa 

English definition: B2 very brightly coloured

Example: She was wearing a vivid pink shirt.

10. COLOURFUL /ˈkʌl.ə.fəl/: màu sắc

English definition: B1 having bright colours or a lot of different colours

Example: a colourful painting

11. COMPACT /kəmˈpækt/ : một khối kết, đặc, rắn chắc

English definition: consisting of parts that are positioned together closely or in a tidy way, using very little space

Example: a compact camera/bag

12. POCKET-SZIED /ˈpɒk.ɪt.saɪzd/ : kích cỡ nhỏ vừa túi 

English definition:  small enough to fit in your pocket

Example: pocket-sized dictionaries

13. PORTABLE /ˈpɔː.tə.bəl/: nhỏ gọn

English definition:  C1 light and small enough to be easily carried or moved

Example: a portable radio/phone/computer

14. LIGHT = not heavy /laɪt/ : nhẹ 

English definition: not weighing a lot

Example: Here, take this bag - it's quite light.

15. WIRELESS /ˈwaɪə.ləs/: không dây 

English definition: using a system of radio signals rather than wires to connect computers, mobile phones, etc. to each other

Example: a wireless connection

16. DIGITAL /ˈdɪdʒ.ɪ.təl/: kỹ thuật số 

English definition: A2 recording or storing information as series of the numbers 1 and 0, to show that a signal is present or absent

Example: digital data

17. HANDY /ˈhæn.di/ : tiện lợi, hữu dụng 

English definition:  C2 useful or convenient

Example: a handy container/tool

18. CONVENIENT /kənˈviː.ni.ənt/ : tiện lợi, dễ sử dụng 

English definition:  B1 suitable for your purposes and needs and causing the least difficulty

Example: A bike has a very convenient way of getting around.

19. USEFUL /ˈjuːs.fəl/ : hữu dụng

English definition: A2 effective; helping you to do or achieve something

Example: A good knife is probably one of the most useful things you can have in a kitchen.

20. AFFORDABLE /əˈfɔː.də.bəl/: có thể chi trả được 

English definition: not expensive

Example: nice clothes at affordable prices

21. VALUEABLE /ˈvæl.jə.bəl/ : có giá trị

English definition: B1 worth a lot of money

Example: These antiques are extremely valuable.

22. USER- FRIENDLY /ˌjuː.zəˈfrend.li/ : thân thiện với người dùng 

English definition: If something, especially something related to a computer, is user-friendly, it is simple for people to use

Example: a user-friendly printer


1. HEAVY = weighing a lot /ˈhev.i/ : nặng 

English definition: A2 weighing a lot, and needing effort to move or lift

Example: heavy equipment

Example: How heavy is that box? (= How much does it weigh?)

2. BULKY /ˈbʌl.ki/ : cồng kềnh 

English definition: C1 too big and taking up too much space

Example: bulky equipment

3. OBSOLETE /ˌɒb.səlˈiːt/ : lỗi thời 

English definition: C1 not in use any more, having been replaced by something newer and better or more fashionable

Example: Gas lamps became obsolete when electric lighting was invented.

4. OUTDATED /ˌaʊtˈdeɪ.tɪd/ : cũ kỹ, nên không tốt bằng các thiết bị đời mới hơn 

English definition:  old-fashioned and therefore not as good or as fashionable as something modern

Example: Nowadays this technique is completely outdated.

5. EXPENSIVE /ɪkˈspen.sɪv/ : đắt đỏ 

English definition: A1 costing a lot of money

Example: Rolls Royces are very expensive.

6. UNAFFORDABLE /ˌʌn.əˈfɔː.də.bəl/: không thể chi trả được 

English definition: C1 too expensive for people to be able to buy or pay for

Example: For many people, this type of treatment remains unaffordable.

7. EXORBITANT /ɪɡˈzɔː.bɪ.tənt/ : đắt cắt cổ

English definition: Exorbitant prices, demands, etc. are much too large

Example: The bill for dinner was exorbitant.

8. COSTLY /ˈkɒst.li/ : cực kỳ đắt

English definition:  expensive, especially too expensive

Example: a costly item

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