Các đề thi speaking IELTS ngày càng biến đổi khôn lường, có bạn đã được hỏi về HAIRSTYLE.Tuy rằng đây không phải là topic khó nhưng chúng ta vẫn cần luyện tập và tham khảo thêm nhiều tài liệu để có nhiều ideas cho topic này
1. Do you care about hairstyles?
2. Do you always have that kind of hairstyle?
3. Do you go to a barber’s shop or hair salon?
Vocabulary highlights:
1. Hair rebonding (n) : a chemical treatment on one’s hair to make the curls straight - Rebonding là một điều trị tóc hóa học làm cho mái tóc của bạn thẳng, kiểu dáng đẹp và sáng bóng. ... 
2. Buck (sb/sth) up (phrasal verb) /bʌk/: to become happier or more positive or to make someone happier or more positive
Example: Oh, buck up for heaven's sake, Anthony! I'm sick of looking at your miserable face.
3. Not to mention : used when you want to emphasize something that you are adding to a list - chưa kể đến…
Example: It's so much easier to order something than to spend all that time going to the grocery store, cooking, washing dishes. Not to mention I'm not that good of a cook to begin with.
4. Immaculate (a)  /ɪˈmæk.jə.lət/: perfect and without any mistakes - hoàn hảo
Example: He gave an immaculate performance as the aging hero.
5. Not the end of the world : not the worst thing that could happen – không phải điều tệ nhất có thể xảy ra
Example: We’re hoping to win, but if we finish second it won’t be the end of the world.
6. Content (a) /kənˈtent/: pleased with your situation and not hoping for change or improvement – hài long
Example: He seems fairly content with (his) life.
7. Complement (v) /ˈkɒm.plɪ.ment/: to make something else seem better or more attractive when combining with it - bổ sung, bù cho…
Example: The music complements her voice perfectly.

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